









Is It Possible to Approach the Politics of Fraternity That Is Held as Realistic Utopia










    The privileged elites combine money with power to do what they want, and the underlying population hardly gets their basic needs. Therefore, the practical ethics has already been taken for the unbearable heaviness at the age of economic globalization. As we can see, the chieftains of transnational corporations successfully establish the actually existing social order through carefully monitoring the cultural hegemony. Never have the capitalistic age like today, these substantial people rationalize and legitimize their behaviors without any formidable challenges.


    Those people who have absolute power frequently accompany with the inescapable corruption. With this reasonable comprehension of the above political axiom, people know how to eliminate the political weakness of national-state through the competition between the rival parties. Unfortunately, we still find no checks and balances if the superpower nations or the big businesses have huge decisions behind the control of international community. This article mainly explores the unfair bourgeois world, and supports the unprecedented development of global justice movements. From French Revolution’s ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ to Rawls’ concept of realistic utopia, we regard it possible to approach the politics of fraternity. Whether to accomplish the Kant’s cosmopolitanism or to become conscious about Freire’s pedagogy of the oppressed, it is imminent to pursue a mutually acceptable scheme in order to confront the unjust enrichments of international ‘state-corporate nexus.’ Regard of the 2008 globally economic collapse, we could realize the necessary step much more.







        1. 法國大革命與蘇維埃革命

2. 1960年代的遺產

3. 羅爾斯(J. Rawls)博愛政治初探


1. 想像烏托邦

2. 不怕被稱為非科學也要談論博愛





        1. 新興獨立國家的威脅

2. 當前弱勢國家的困境


1. 虛有其表的政治領袖

2. 全球貧富差距更為擴大









(一)、穆勒的「自由民族主義」(liberal nationalism 














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