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The Contemporary Meaning of Simone Weil’s Thoughts:
A Reflection about the Neo-Liberalism Rises from Ancient Greek Epic Genius
Herbert Wang*
Capital domination of capitalism and bureaucratic domination of socialism together form the neo-liberalism at the end of twentieth century. They have caused democracy to be auctioned, ecological degradation and wealth disparities and other issues, a few into the current world unbearable burden. This article by Simone Weil admired ancient Greek epic genius, re-examines the basis of civilization; and tries to explain, if the interpretation of the content of the world is close-minded, then the outcome of world change, will only replace the rule of capital by bureaucratic rule, substitute another kind of oppression. From ancient Greece, the Gospel to medieval Oak civilization, Weil believes its common epic spirit is to accept the fact that nothing is sheltered from fate, how never to admire might, or hate the enemy, or to despise sufferers. At her late life, Weil concerned how to act in war but the purity of motive. There was the resurrection light of Weil’s thoughts at the dark times when she promoted the front-line nursing squad plan and drafted for a statement of human obligations. Today, in the era of neo-liberalism sweeping the globe, Weil’s thoughts may help us find the balance of power in the transcendental truth.
Keywords: epic genius, neo-liberalism, transcendental truth