論文英文題目:A Raw Karamazov Youth Out of Underground Tragedy
作者英文姓名:Herbert Wang
英文職稱:Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Chang Gung University.
Inspired by polyphonic novel perspective from the Mikhail Bakhtin’s Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, this paper tried to point out Fyodor Dostoevsky was a writer of underground tragedy. Dostoevsky presented the real image of the Russian majority, and experienced the same situation as Nikolai Gogol was forced to lie and clown. After surviving from the house of the dead, Dostoevsky debated with the Russia nihilists in the name of rootedness to carry on his vocation. Through out the confession piece Noted from Underground, Dostoevsky were haunted by three problems: the powers of Napoleon, the money of Rothschild and God’s absence or not in religion. The late works of Dostoevsky reflected the plight of Russia through these three problems on the one hand; and there was, demonstrated in his novels The Adolescent, The brothers Karamazov and the speech for the Pushkin monument, a raw Karamazov youth out of underground tragedy on the other hand.
Underground Tragedy, Karamazov, Rootedness
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